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3D vizualizace gastroprojekce


Gastroprojekce navrhne to správné bistro, restauraci, kavárnu, cukrárnu, školní kuchyni, závodní jídelnu


We believe, that only a designer who has hands-on experience with the actual work and technologies which he is designing can give a client the best service possible. Everyone in our team has this kind of hands-on experience in a kitchen, behind a bar, with dishwashing, but also with kitchen installations. We participate also on service and sales training for foodservice equipment to keep up with the latest development and technologies. We have more than 20 years of experience in the field, but we are not content and strive to further our knowledge of what we do best and we do not forget to increase our knowledge of other fields, that are relevant to ours.

Projekty od Gastroprojekce budou vaši zaměstnanci milovat

What kind of designs you can order?

  • Drafts and studies

  • Designs for building permit

  • Designs for realization of the project

  • Simple 3D visualisations, cross-sections and elevations

  • Photorealistic 3D visualisations

  • Tender documentation

  • Revision of designs before realisation

We know from experience, that the design cannot be underestimated, because it creates ​problems during realisation, which can mean extra costs and delays. Well prepared project, including thought-through workflow and technologies that are tailored to the client needs lowers the investment and operational costs.

Why hire us for the project?

  • Years of experience with designing all types of foodservice establishments.

  • Practical experience and knowledge of the work required from all employees in foodservice.

  • Experience with negotiating with hygiene.

  • We pay attention to what investor wants and the staff needs while conforming to hygiene regulations.

  • Každý projekt vytváříme na míru a pro každé technologické řešení musí být provozní opodstatnění

  • We believe that every cooperation should be WIN-WIN

Do you want to be sure that your dishwashing centre can bear the load and wash everything you need fast enough?

Do you have problems with electrical supply, air conditioning, staff or space?

Are you not sure which offer is the best for you?

Do you want to have detailed information about the costs of your dishwashing?

What will you gain with this design?

  • Relevant capacity calculation

  • A layout solution

  • An overview of suitable manufacturers and even models.

  • We can calculate the costs including consumption of water, electricity, chemicals and staff requirements.

What other services do we offer?

  • An audit of your current dishwashing centre

  • Tender documentation

  • Review and assessment of offers of your suppliers.

  • Finding hidden problems in already done designs and solutions.

Gastroprojekce navrhne kavárnu, bistro, které budou vaši zákazníci milovat a konkurence bude blednout závistí.



Do you want to open a restaurant, café, patisserie and it is a first such project you do? Do you have practical experience as an employee in the field and want to make your dream come true? Or are you a person from outside the field, seeking an investment opportunity? We know that foodservice requires large financial and time investment. We offer you an opportunity to have an analysis of your project made, so you know what are you heading into and are ready for everything that can happen.

A short overview of what you can expect of an analysis

  • We will evaluate pros and cons of your concept and other aspects of the project.

  • We will help with chosing a good place and mapping the competition.

  • We will make a draft of your establishment and suggest a visual concept.

  • We will make a budget of investment and operational costs you can expect from the foodservice part of your project.

  • We will point out the risks and targets that are key for your project and require special attention.



Do you want to take over an already running restaurant? Do you want to know if you can improve your current operation?

  • We will go through the operation from the points of view of the client, worker and owner and we identify points that have increased costs or where they may arise.

  • We will map costs and gains and we will propose an improvement where applicable.

  • We will identify the most and least profitable aspects of the operation and find how they can serve to your benefit.

It goes without saying that there are many details that need to be analysed and if you want to prevent surprises like insufficient funding for starting and running such operation, the analysis is a very powerful tool.

If the project is financed by a third party, the analysis can increase your chances of getting it.​


HACCP neboli Systém analýzy rizika a stanovení kritických kontrolních bodů je dnes již povinným nástrojem pro výrobce potravin, který napomáhá předcházet rizikům v oblasti bezpečnosti potravin. Systém HACCP je určen pro veškeré subjekty pracující v oblastech výroby, zpracování, manipulací a distribuci, skladování a prodejem koncovému spotřebiteli. Systém HACCP se skládá ze 7 hlavních bodů:

  • Provedení analýzy nebezpečí a rizik

  • Stanovení kritických kontrolních bodů

  • Stanovení znaků a kritických mezí pro kritické body

  • Sledování dosaženého stavu v kritických bodech

  • Stanovení nápravných opatření pro kritické body

  • Stanovení ověřovacích postupů

  • Vypracování dokumentace a vedení záznamů

Zajistíme přípravu a zavedení systému HACCP přesně na míru vaší provozovny. Specializujeme se zejména na výrobce, restaurace a obchody, pro které je zavedení systému HACCP nařízeno přímo na základě rozhodnutí Evropského parlamentu a Rady. Součástí našich služeb je i kontrola provozu a výroby, zhodnocení plnění platných nařízení a kritérií. K problematice HACCP poskytujeme též konzultace o zavedení přímo na místě.



Do you have a question or do you want a quotation for one of our services? Contact us and we can discuss your particular requirements.

  • Office Praha: Bohdanečská 2, Praha - Vinoř

  • We are handling projects all over Czech Republic.

Phone: +420 774 424 448

And you will be getting interesting information from the world of foodservice. You can look forward techonological news, reports from trainings, fairs and realizations, equipment testing, information about hygiene in foodservice and much more.


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Gastroprojekce s.r.o.

Residence: Praha 4, Nusle, Kloboučnická 1735/26

ID: 08043248

VAT: CZ08043248



Copyright © Gastroprojekce s.r.o.

Všechna práva vyhrazena.

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